How to Make Oak Kitchen Cabinets look

How to Make Oak Kitchen Cabinets look 

How to Make Oak Kitchen Cabinets look. Oak kitchen cabinets are beautiful and can make a big impact on the overall look and feel of your kitchen. Oak is resistant to moisture and can withstand many years of use in a moist environment, such as over a stove or sink. When it comes to cleaning your oak cabinets, you don’t need to take out an insurance policy on them because oak is a durable wood.

You should clean them regularly with soap, water, and a clean cloth or sponge. You should also seal the surface to protect the finish from moisture. But when it comes to updating your oak cabinets, there are other options besides painting them white. There are new coatings that mimic the look of high gloss paint without any of the mess that goes with painting! Read on for more information on how to update your oak cabinets without paint!

Update your Kitchen without Painting

One of the best ways to update your kitchen without painting is with a high gloss coating. A high gloss coating will give you the look of a freshly painted cabinet without any of the hassle or mess that comes with painting. You can get this type of finish in colors to match your cabinets or choose from different colors to make a dramatic statement.

There’s also a clear version for those who prefer to keep the natural wood color which is perfect for those oak cabinets that are already stained. One thing to consider, it may take up to three coats of this type of finish before you see a significant change, so be patient!

Clean with Soap, Water, and a sponge

To clean your oak cabinets, start by filling a bucket with soap and water. Next, grab a sponge or cloth and wipe down the entire cabinet. You should also clean any handles and knobs with soap and water.

When it comes to cleaning your oak cabinets, you can’t just use any old cleaner! You need to use something that is specifically designed for wood furniture. These cleaners are usually safe for all types of wood, including oak.

Cleaning your oak cabinets is an important part of maintaining them so they will last as long as possible. But when it comes to updating your oak cabinets without paint, there are other options besides painting them white. There are new coatings that mimic the look of high gloss paint without any of the mess that goes with painting! Read on for more information on how to update your oak cabinets without paint!

Why it’s Best to Update your Kitchen without Paint

Oak cabinets are often stained or natural and can be difficult to update. Sometimes people think that the only way to update their oak kitchen cabinets is by painting them white. But did you know that there are new coatings that mimic the look of high gloss paint without any of the mess that goes with painting?

The best part about updating your kitchen without paint is that you get a modern look for a fraction of the price! The new coatings are also easy to apply with no sanding necessary, which means you save time when updating your kitchen as well. You can get a new look for your kitchen without painting because there are so many great options available now. If you’re looking for a fast and easy way to update your kitchen, don’t forget about these great new coatings!

Painting over your Oak Cabinets can be Messy and Take a lot of time

Paint is a popular way to update your kitchen but it can be messy and time-consuming. When you paint over your oak cabinets, you have to get every nook and cranny, which can be hard if the cabinets are crammed together. And even if you do manage to get every spot, inevitably there will be some paint that drips on the floor or countertops.

You also have to let the paint dry for at least 4 hours before doing anything else in your kitchen so that you don’t smear it. If this is your first time painting your cabinets, it might take you days or weeks to complete – and when it’s done, they will still look like they need more work!

How To Make Oak Cabinets Look Modern Without Paint

One of the most popular cabinet finishes is glossy white. While refinishing your cabinets with this updated look is an option, some people decide to update their cabinets with a high gloss coating instead. This will make your kitchen look modern without having to paint the cabinets. There are many different options for high gloss coatings and you can find them at any local home improvement store. The process is simple and doesn’t require any heavy-duty tools or equipment to complete.

First, clean your cabinets thoroughly with soap and water. Next, apply the high gloss coating to the surface of your cabinets using a roller applicator. Finally, let the finish dry before using your newly updated oak kitchen cabinets!

Why Do People Paint their Oak Cabinets White?

Oak cabinets are a popular choice because they are highly durable, and beautiful and can really make a big impact on the overall look and feel of your kitchen. However, many people want to update their oak cabinets to something that looks more modern without the hassle of painting them white. This is where modern coatings come in!

There are new options that mimic high gloss paint without any of the mess or harsh chemicals required with regular paint. So, if you want to update your oak cabinets without paint, here are some ideas:

-Add a coat of protective sealant

A sealant will protect the surface from moisture so it won’t have to be re-applied as often. The nice thing about this is that you don’t need to do anything else! Just apply it once and it’s done!

-Apply an oil finish

Oil finishes give the wood a thick, glossy appearance but can also protect it from moisture better than paint. It doesn’t need to be reapplied as often as other options either. All you need is one application and you’re set!

-Switch out hardware

Hardware like drawers handles and drawer pulls can make all the difference when updating your kitchen. It makes your old-style look fresh and new again. You can change out your handles for ones with a different design or color for a bold new look.

-Paint cabinet frames white

Your cabinet frames around doors or windows could use an update too! Painting them white will give

How Can you Update the Look of your Kitchen Without Painting the Cabinets White?

Oak cabinets are a popular look in many kitchens. Oak is durable, so you don’t need to worry about a lot of wear and tear on your cabinets. However, if you want to update the look of your kitchen without painting the cabinets white, there are other options than painting them. There are new coatings that mimic the look of high gloss paint without any of the mess that goes with painting! These coatings offer an affordable and unique way to update the look of your kitchen or bathroom without having to paint.

One benefit is that if you ever wanted to change the color scheme or style of your cabinets, it’s easy now as these new coatings can be removed easily with soap and water. This means you won’t have to worry about stripping down all of your cabinet doors just to redo them again when you decide on a different style. Think about how much more time this will save you!

Another benefit is how these new coatings will protect your wood from moisture for many years without having to use any sealant. This means that it won’t fade like traditional paints will and your wood won’t absorb liquid like normal paint would which could lead to cracking or peeling!

If this sounds interesting to you, then keep reading for more information on how these products work and where they’re available!

How To Choose The Right Product For Your Oak Cabinets

There are many products on the market today that claim to give your oak cabinets a modern look without painting them. However, it is important to find the right product for your oak cabinets. For example, if you have a dark stain on your cabinets and you want a white gloss look, you would need to find a product that is made of dark wood. There are paints out there that are made specifically for this purpose.

You should also make sure the new coating will be easy to maintain. Some companies offer warranties with their products because they know they will last longer than most coatings. You should also make sure the new coating is easy to use as well.

For more information on how to choose the right product for your oak cabinets, contact one of our representatives today!

What To Do Before Updating

Before you update your oak cabinets, you will want to remove the existing finish. The easiest way is to use a good quality finish remover and follow the directions on the packaging. You may also want to sand down more heavily stained areas that are resistant to finish removers.

They will need to be sanded with coarse-grit sandpaper until all of the surfaces have been touched. Once this has been completed, you should thoroughly clean out all of the dust in your cabinet before applying a new coating or finishing touch.


So you want to update the look of your kitchen without painting your cabinets white? Well, you have a few options. For one, you can update your kitchen with a new countertop. We love the look of natural stone because it looks modern and clean. But if you don’t want to spend that much on your counters, you can also upgrade your tiles. Marazzi ceramic tiles come in a wide range of colors and styles and they’re incredibly durable so they’re perfect for kitchens and bathrooms.

You can also update your cabinets without painting them white. The best way to do this is to sand the cabinets and then apply a coat of primer and then a coat of paint. This will completely transform the look of your kitchen without painting oak cabinets white. So there you have it! You know how to make oak kitchen cabinets look modern without paint!

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